The view outside my room. I have a balcony!! It's about 30 minutes outside Tokyo. It's a pretty busy neighborhood with some really nice houses. My room.
We have a choice of American or Japanese breakfast. However, there's a catch- breakfast is onl served from 6-8. I don't remember the last time I had to wake up that early. Planning on going to Shibuya with Laurel tomorrow.
I'm staying in Kawaguchi about 30 minutes outside Tokyo until I move into my dorm. I'm still amazed at how huge this place is. I've spent a week in the same city and it feels like I've been all over the country. Yesterday, I helped laurel move to her dorm and we found a Sakura Matsuri street fair with some food vendors. I had a monster okonomiyaki for only 4 bucks and some chicken steak for 3. Today, we decided to go to Asakusa and stopped at Ueno park along the way. We found another cherry blossom festival and bought some sakura jelly with real flowers in them. Spent a couple hours at Asakusa shopping and ate some delicious deep fried mochi! deep fried mochi Akibahara. electronic city. Went to go see our schools for the first time, so we rode the densha to yotsu-ya. right across the street was Sophia University Then we decided to take a look at my school. On the way, we had to conquer this swarm of people in Shibuya. This is what I have to look forward to every morning and evening. Ten minute walk to my campus.
We got lost in Ebisu looking for a Mexican restaurant. Nice quiet neighborhood in the middle of the city.
We finally found the restaurant and had some amazing Mexican/Japanese fusion food. Ended up returning there at night for all you can drink tequila shooters. After lunch, we headed to Roppongi. Found a Don Quixote with a roller coaster on top. We spent hours in there. Later, we went back to Harajuku for some shopping.
TenDon and Udon for dinner.
Next day we went down to Kamakura and stumbled upon a festival at the shrine. Had Sakura Ice Cream, large Sembei, and Yakitori.
And some TASTY candied grapes.
In the evening we checked out Tsukiji Betsuin and attended an English Service. Decided to do some shopping at the Ginza.
Disney Sea!It was so clean. not even any dead leaves on the ground.Great food. Corn soup, pork ribs, Gyoza hot dogs..... all for under 400 yen.Curtis and I wonder why everyone wears facemasks, so we decided to buy some ourselves. They were chip and dale faces on them.