The inside looked a lot like Caesars.
Manoa DNA!! They were actually really good.
So many people brought their dogs.
Went To Hatchobori to the Teppozu Inari Jinja for their annual festival featuring a kabuki performance by Elementary school kids. The event was pretty small, so it was kind of nice. The costumes were really cool too.
These three kids did some kind of traditional dance.
The play. The youtube clip is of the same play ,but a different cast.
It takes a lot of practice to learn the speech and dance of kabuki theatre. These kid were amazing.
Lastly, five little boys performed a traditional skit.
Their voices were really high so it was cute.
Of course they had festival favorite.
Later, we went to Yoyogi Koen to meet some friends. Passed through a flower festival in Shibuya koen.
Kat-chan and Bea
It's kachan dude! And damn Bea looks scary in that photo. Oh I'm gonna post the photo of you, me, atsushi, and okichan on facebook.